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Historic day as English Star Wars fans hold referendum to keep the EU - The Midichlorian Count

Historic day as English Star Wars fans hold referendum to keep the EU

Updated: June 23, 2016

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The United Kingdom’s Star Wars fans will today vote in the historic EU referendum.

Ever since the now Disney-owned Lucasfilm announced that the events depicted in the EU (Expanded Universe) would have no bearing on future story telling, the United Kingdom’s Star Wars fan base, much like the rest of the world’s, has been divided.

Lucasfilm executive Pablo Hidalgo expresses his concerns in relation to staying with the EU.

Whilst some celebrated being removed from the often-complex EU, others were mortified that all this hard work had gone to waste and protested for its return.

Respected media outlet The Guardian expressed their thoughts on the future of the fictional universe, “Thursday’s vote is in some ways a choice between an imaginary past of which too many in this country cannot let go and a future about which all of us are inescapably uncertain.”

Some saw the Guardian’s editorial stating, “Thursday’s vote has become a turn-in-the-road issue for Britain and Europe alike,” as mealy scare-mongering, and that much of the EU may return in future official films, television projects and printed media.

UKPMEnglish Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha make no secret of their loyalty to the EU during their trip to the polls. 

prince-william-and-prince-harry-have-a-lightsaber-duelRoyals, like Princes Harry and William, have thrown their support around the new canon of Star Wars storytelling by visiting the Star Wars Episode 8 set. Critics say this political stunt was a step too far.

votersMadeuppshire residents (from left) Marc Nubolde & Jimmy Burn are hopeful for Star Wars’ future, regardless of the result, while their friend Daz Lutch (3rd from left) is obviously a dick. 

While long queues have been reported outside some polling stations, many potential voters are staying home. One Londoner, responding to our recent survey, summed up the feelings of many fans: “When it comes down to saving the post-Return Of The Jedi life of either Han Solo or Chewbacca, who am I to say?”

Others we talked to were more steadfast in their beliefs, simply replying “May God Save the Queen & Mara Jade.”



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